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Youth Halaqa Movie Night Presents "Salam Neighbor," this Friday 23 September 2016 after Ma

Writer's picture: Al-Amaan CenterAl-Amaan Center

Youth Movie Night @Al-Amaan Center "Salam Neighbor"

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu Al-Amaan Center Youth Halaqa would like to welcome you all this Friday to watch "Salam Neighbor." Do you remember the last Youth Halaqa movie where we watched two friends live on just $1 a day for two months in rural Guatemala? Well this time the same two guys, Zach and Chris, fully embed themselves in a Syrian refugee camp, providing an intimate look at the world's most dire humanitarian crisis. InshaAllah we'll get an eye-opening powerful reminder to not take for granted the Blessings of Allah SWT upon us and appreciation for the plight of those less fortunate than ourselves. Afterwards we'll have a group discussion about this topic and see what we can do to help those suffering in the world today. InshaAllah please bring your friends and family for this important presentation. The Halaqa will be at our new rental location, please remember that Jumuah will continue to be at Champions Hall unless we inform you otherwise. We still need your continued duaa, donations and support, to make the move to our permanent home a reality. Please donate generously and spread the word! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at Jazakum Allahu Khairan and hope to see you all on Friday

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