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Project: Potholes Out! Let's get Al-Amaan Center ready for Ramadan!

Writer's picture: Al-Amaan CenterAl-Amaan Center

Volunteer Opportunity This Thursday & Friday, May 3-4, 2018, Al-Amaan Center Masjid Parking Lot. Let's all get ready for Ramadan!

Let us cleanup the potholes in the masjid's parking lot. Please volunteer, we need your help.


Thursday, May 3, 2018, 4:30 pm and

Friday, May 4, 2018, right after Jumuah.

Volunteers will be filling potholes with asphalt. Please join us and bring shovels. We will also need blowers, shovels and brooms.

May Allah (swt) reward you greatly and bless you & your families for helping Al-Amaan Center get ready for Ramadan!

Jazakum Allahu Khaira!

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