"Al Hamdulillah, what a great breeze of joy gently blowing on Al-Amaan Center. What a great blessing to see our first step of goals achieved. To you, our dear Community, you make us witness the dedicated sincere hearts described in the book of Allah (swt), you literally hastened wholeheartedly to answer His call, "And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous. Who spend [in the cause of Allah] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good" May Allah SWT reward you tremendously, grant you firmness on His path, enlarge your income and shower you always with His blessings. Dear Community, our endeavor needs to keep going. Know that the achievement of a great action is not the end of the path but it is the beginning of a new path, marching towards Allah (swt) with more dedication and commitment targeting higher ranks of righteousness. Targeting the edification of the project of Al-Amaan Center to come to its complete establishment by being a minaret of light, an abode of purification, an edifice of knowledge and a home for our diverse community. Remember, the Hijra of the Prophet (pbuh) was the beginning of the march towards the Fath, and the Fath of Makkah was the beginning of the march towards the spreading of the beauty of Islam all around the world. We need your generous hearts to continue marching with us to our next phase of building. May Allah reward you all, ameen"
-Sh Jamel Ben Ameur,
Imam, Al-Amaan Center
An Open Letter to the Community from Al-Amaan Center Volunteers:
Jazakum Allahu khairan katheera for the outpouring of your duaa and support! We are so blessed and humbled to share with you that we have reached our initial goal of $1M for the down payment and closing costs on the new building - Allahu akbar!
By the Grace of Allah, we achieved this monumental feat with help from each and every one of you; through your donations, duaa and reaching out to others, and when it looked like we may not make the goal in time, help came in the way of members of our community stepping in to give us loans amounting to $300,000 cover the remaining funds.
Subhan Allah! Our journey is by no means at its end - this first milestone is toward the closing, and we have a long way to go to fully own and operate the new property. We will need continual funding to improve and maintain the building, set up the Musallah as well as pay off the loans. Alhamdulillah, the date set for signing is October 14th, and after closing we will work with the City of Minnetonka to bring our building up to code so that we may move in as soon as possible.
Please continue aiding in our ongoing community effort to fully attain this site and sustain its many planned future projects that will InshaAllah make Al-Amaan Center one of its kind for generations to come.
None of this would have been possible without the dedication and spirit of this amazing community. We sincerely thank you!
May Allah reward you in His Abundance, may He continue to guide us all and unite us on this path InshaAllah, ameen!
To find more about our continued efforts to repay our loans, fund our future projects, and help Al-Amaan sustain itself, please contact us, click here >
If you are once again, ready to donate to Al-Amaan's ongoing community building projects and funding needs, click here to donate>