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Writer's pictureImam Sheikh Jamel Ben Ameur

Ramadan: Celebrating The Values of The Quran

The Quran is a revelation from the All Mighty, the Merciful, whose Ayat (verses) are perfected, and then explained in detail from One (Allah ,swt), Who is All-Wise and Well-Acquainted with all things. The greatest gift/favor that one can honor oneself with is to regard the Quran as the source of life and as guidance for the soul and the heart. In fact, the Quran being from Allah, to Whom belongs the most beautiful names, represents a manifestation of these beautiful names and an illustration of the manifestation of the attributes of Allah in sustaining the heavens and the earth and whatever is within them. “Indeed, Allah holds the heavens and the earth, lest they cease. And if they should cease, no one could hold them [in place] after Him. Indeed, He is Forbearing and Forgiving” (35:41).

The Quran discloses the reality of the universe and defines the nature of the human being. It explicates the relationships between the human being and the universe, and between the human being and the Divine. The Quran presents the true vision of life and of the whole existence. The Quran presents in detail the path which leads one to the ultimate, blissful life. “Should He not know, He that created? And He is the One who understands the finest mysteries (and) is well-acquainted (with them)” (67:14). To attain the level of living the ultimate, blissful life, one has to just simply adhere to and follow the path of the Quran. However, one needs first to understand the meaning of adhering to and following the path of the Quran, in order to reap the great blessings of the path.

The adhering to and following of the path of the Quran starts by exploring the different names of the Quran, revealed within the Quran itself. They represent, in fact, the different roles of the Quran in providing assistance and guidance to the believers and to humankind in general. Most of the names of the Quran can be regarded as a medicine to a particular illness, which has afflicted the heart, the soul or the body. To each of these names, one should establish a realm of action governed by the corresponding name of the Quran. To illustrate this concept, take the following example. The Quran is a Ruh (soul) and a light: “And thus We have sent to you 'Ruhan' (an Inspiration, and a Mercy) of Our Command. You knew not what is the Book, nor what is Faith. But, We have made it (this Quran) a light wherewith We guide whosoever of Our servants We will. And verily, you are indeed guiding to the Straight Path” (42:52). As per the interpretation of some scholars of Tafseer, the meaning of the Ruh in this Ayah is the soul, which represents life. The Quran acts, then, as a soul, giving life to humankind and to the universe, like the soul gives life to the body. It is also a light, which shines throughout the whole being to bring the heart and soul to life, meaning to connect the human being to the source of life, Allah, “the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists.” Thus is the true life that extends to eternity.

Believing that the Quran is the soul of the life, one should entrust the attainment of a blissful life to the Quran. He/she must then embrace its vision, act upon its teachings and strive to persevere on its path. Indeed, the true believer is certain that the path designed by the Quran is true and that Allah never breaks His promises: “... and Who is more faithful to His covenant than Allah? Rejoice, then, in the bargain you have made with Him. That, indeed, is the mighty triumph” (9:111).

Likewise, for every name of the Quran, one should believe in it with certainty , then seek in the Quran the path to it. Here, in another example, Allah (swt) says: “O mankind, there has come to you instruction/advice from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers” (10:57). This Ayah is telling that the Quran is a healing for what is in the breasts. Therefore one, instead of investing time in exploring different ways to find peace in the heart and the soul, should invest all his/her focus in retrieving the right elements from the Quran, which lead him/her to the ultimate peace. The Ayah is also saying that the Quran is a Mercy, then one should understand the meaning of the mercy from the Quran and seek its path in the Quran. The same goes for guidance.

Adhering to the path of the Quran in the way described above helps one instill the values of the Quran in his/her being: heart, soul and body. One great aspect helping to achieve such an endeavor is to be grateful to Allah (swt) for the gift of the Quran. The sign of such gratefulness is to attain the quality described in the following Ayah: “Say, 'In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy - in that let them rejoice. It is better than what they accumulate'” (10:58). This means that one’s joy with the Iman and the Quran should be greater that any other joy related to the worldly life.

The great blessing is that the new moon of Ramadan, the month of the Quran, is about to shine. Then, let every believer celebrate the values of the Quran by rejuvenating, during Ramadan, the life of the soul and the heart. Let every believer find the path to the mercy of Allah, understand the elements of guidance, embrace the way of the healing of the Quran and attain the tranquility described and promised within the Quran.

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