Please join us and the rest of the Al-Amaan Community in observing Laylat al-Qadr on the 27th night of Ramadan, this Tuesday, May 19th, from Isha - to dawn. This will be led by Sh Jamel Ben Ameur.
Our special Laylat al-Qadr will be live-streamed to your home (and available wherever you are)! Be a part of this amazing and blessed night where we get a chance to live 1,000 months of spirituality and tranquility on this special Night of Power. We invite you to race with us in strengthening and continuing your support of Al-Amaan Center (annual fundraising) and, inshallah, may you be rewarded many times over with blessings for any contribution you are making on this holiest night of Ramadan.
Please stand with all of us (virtually) in seeking Allah (swt) before dawn.
"Peace it is until the emergence of dawn." "Greater than one thousand months."
Please support Al-Amaan Center - we deeply know the effects of the global health crisis on our lives, jobs and livelihood. But may Allah ever bless your sadaqa and your continued commitment to let Al-Amaan Center flourish and pursue its different programs and events. To learn more:
Brochure: please click here>
Video: please click here>
Our virtual Laylat al-Qadr will be accessible via Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube Live, inshaaAllah.
To join via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 414-528-6561
To join on Facebook Live:
Subscribe to our Al-Amaan Center YouTube Channel:
and find all our YouTube Live programs there.
As you did last year and for so many years now, this Tuesday, we are counting on you again to celebrate, stand with us, pray with us and support Al-Amaan Center, virtually.
We maybe far apart from each other, physically separated from the Masjid that we call home and long for...but we will be warmed by all your duaa, recitations and any support you can this Tuesday. As you join us (through our livestream platforms), you do not only honor us, but you greatly honor Allah (swt). Together, let's make our Laylat al- Qadr our most amazing night, inshallah!
Please support Al-Amaan Center. To learn more, please click here>